Milwaukee-N-Southeastern Model Railroad Club

Come and Say HI to the MNSE. The club will have its portable layout at the All Scale Model Railroad Show at the Mitchell Park Domes. This one weekend during the annual Garden Railroad Show features layouts and displays from different size model railroads from Z Scale to G Scale. There will also be some museums and other railroad information available. The show is Saturday February 1 and Sunday February 2 from 9am to 4pm. Standard Domes admission is required.
Come and Say HI to the MNSE. The club will have its portable layout at the annual Mad City Train Show in Madison WI on Saturday February 15 and February 16th. This is one of the largest train shows in Wisconsin. Stop by and check out different model train layouts and vendors selling model trains. For more information about times and admission check out
Milwaukee-N-Southeastern Model Railroad Club Ltd.
Mission Statement of the MNSE
The purpose and object of this organization shall be to educate the public in the hobby of "N" scale model railroading.
Click here to check out the MNSE welcoming some Boy Scouts to learn about the hobby of Model Railroading.
In 2005 and 2006 the Milwaukee-N-Southeastern helped the Milwaukee County Sheriffs Office build an Incident Command Model. This way deputies could train for large scale operations using a scale model. Click Here to see the results of the club's work.
In 2020 Trainfest went virtual due to the pandemic. The Milwaukee-N-Southeastern has been a part of Trainfest for many years. As part of the Virtual Trainfest 2020 the MNSE put together a 20 minute Powerpoint Presentation touring the club layout.
Check out the 20 minute video on MNSE Layout Tour on the Trainfest You Tube Channel.
Check out Jerry Gunderson's Ford City Northern N Scale Layout. Jerry's layout is very well done with many scratchbuilt structures and vehicles